Huayu Enrichment Scholarship
February of 2014 I heard from my roommate that there was a scholarship for
American citizens to learn Mandarin in Taiwan. I was thrilled because I love
everything about the Asian culture and I've been learning Mandarin here for
years. I felt I was at a standstill because I wasn’t learning and retaining the
information like I wished. So I decided to apply for the Hauyu EnrichmentScholarship. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain, if I got the
scholarship. I went through the process of the filling out the HES application
and sent everything off. I didn't get the scholarship that year and decided
that I would get a job, pay off my car, and try again for 2016.

I was walking down the hall and heard a Mandarin
conversation and couldn't help but join in. By joining in I met Mingzhu, and
my language partners have returned to China. I just received information on my
third language partner. I learn so much from this program and I'm happy there
is a scholarship for interested people, like myself to learn Mandarin in a
foreign land! If I am excepted to receive the HES Scholarship I plan to study
Mandarin and help people I meet in the United State learn English!
