56 Small Peach Cobblers
A close friend of mine is relocating to Taiwan. Her family had a going away party for her this past Saturday. I signed up for dessert. I've known about this party for months. I knew what I was going to make and I was happy about it. Cause I had a PLAN!
How about I waited until the last possible minute (the night before) and made the peach filling. Anyone who bakes knows how bad your feet get to hurting. My dogs were KILLING me! It was like I was walking on hot stones. When I sat down my feet begged my brain not to walk on them again. I was so over making that stuff! I wanted to tell my friend I couldn't come, lol. I was dog tired but it was my own fault. I had to suck it up and keep going.
Saturday at 1 am, I finished 56 mini peach cobblers and 0 batches of cookies. At 9:36am I made the sweet potato teacake dough and chocolate chip cookies. Went back to sleep after I made the dough. Woke up three hours before the party started and I go home and get dressed. By the way, all this action took place at my sister's house. Anyway, I woke up and baked as many cookies as I could and brought the rest of the batter with me. It was an oven at the location.
On to the recipes... This is by far the BEST peach cobbler /crust recipe I've made!
I bought it from Wal-Mart! 4 Wal-Mart brand rolled pie sheets. Each patch has 2 pie sheets rolled in plastic. 9 cartons/boxes of (8) tart shells.
8 -10 cups fresh peaches (Sam's slice peach 106oz can)
Juice of a fresh lemon
cinnamon (I don't measure)
nutmeg (I don't measure, cause you can't go wrong with adding too much!)
2 cups sugar
¼ cup cornstarch
1 ½ cup cold water
1 stick melted butter
Place sliced peaches in a large bowl and toss with lemon juice and 1 ½ cups of sugar.
Whisk cornstarch with cold water and remaining ½ cup sugar. Cook over high heat until thickened and transparent. Mix with peaches and pour peach mixture in large rectangular baking dish. Drizzle peach mixture with one half of melted butter.
Brush pastry top with all the melted butter or use egg wash. It will flow between cracks into filling. Then sprinkle top of pastry with plenty of sugar. Bake at 350° for about 45 minutes – 1 hour or until bubbly and crust are browned. You can do the final browning of crust under the broiler.
I use cupcake pans to bake the mini pies in. This was great for transporting to the part also.

How about I waited until the last possible minute (the night before) and made the peach filling. Anyone who bakes knows how bad your feet get to hurting. My dogs were KILLING me! It was like I was walking on hot stones. When I sat down my feet begged my brain not to walk on them again. I was so over making that stuff! I wanted to tell my friend I couldn't come, lol. I was dog tired but it was my own fault. I had to suck it up and keep going.
Saturday at 1 am, I finished 56 mini peach cobblers and 0 batches of cookies. At 9:36am I made the sweet potato teacake dough and chocolate chip cookies. Went back to sleep after I made the dough. Woke up three hours before the party started and I go home and get dressed. By the way, all this action took place at my sister's house. Anyway, I woke up and baked as many cookies as I could and brought the rest of the batter with me. It was an oven at the location.
On to the recipes... This is by far the BEST peach cobbler /crust recipe I've made!
I bought it from Wal-Mart! 4 Wal-Mart brand rolled pie sheets. Each patch has 2 pie sheets rolled in plastic. 9 cartons/boxes of (8) tart shells.
8 -10 cups fresh peaches (Sam's slice peach 106oz can)
Juice of a fresh lemon
cinnamon (I don't measure)
nutmeg (I don't measure, cause you can't go wrong with adding too much!)
2 cups sugar
¼ cup cornstarch
1 ½ cup cold water
1 stick melted butter
Place sliced peaches in a large bowl and toss with lemon juice and 1 ½ cups of sugar.
Whisk cornstarch with cold water and remaining ½ cup sugar. Cook over high heat until thickened and transparent. Mix with peaches and pour peach mixture in large rectangular baking dish. Drizzle peach mixture with one half of melted butter.
Brush pastry top with all the melted butter or use egg wash. It will flow between cracks into filling. Then sprinkle top of pastry with plenty of sugar. Bake at 350° for about 45 minutes – 1 hour or until bubbly and crust are browned. You can do the final browning of crust under the broiler.
I used a coffee cup to cut the pie sheets. The perfect size! I brushed the tops of the pies with egg wash and put a small piece of butter in the middle. I used a fork to mash the pie tops to the bottom. This sealed them together.
I use cupcake pans to bake the mini pies in. This was great for transporting to the part also.
Doesn't this look beautiful!!! Here are more pictures from the party.
The recipes for the teacakes, and cookies...I will save for another day.